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Quality services depend on quality products.


I am proud to use only the best products available when providing services to my valued customers. I offer products for sale and use the following name brands when performing your services. These brands have been selected for their outstanding quality in order to provide you with the consistent results you demand when you visit me.


Aveda products range from hair and facial treatments to hemp bags and herbal tea. Every line of Aveda is created to inspire and educate people to integrate wellness and beauty in their lives while preserving the environments well being. Products are treated with care and respect, and a goal of the company is to show people how to treat themselves, each other and our planet with respect also.


Bioelements is a complete system of skin care and makeup that can be freshly customized for your skin's needs. And we mean what we say. No gimmicks, no hype and no false promises. They are professional skin care experts dedicated to keeping your skin clean, clear, calm and young- looking. Just the way it should be.


Jane Iredale

Jan Marini

Any skin can be measurably improved. Common conditions such as sun damage, fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring and skin discoloration, just to name a few, can be greatly resolved or removed by the use of our specialized formulations and services. Jan Marini’s remarkable technical advancements are available only through the Jan Marini Skin Care Management System. With our proven program, skin can be stimulated to appear clearer, younger, smoother and healthier.


PCA skin

PCA SKIN’s medical grade products incorporate the latest in medically and scientifically researched ingredients to nourish, hydrate and rejuvenate skin, delivering optimal results. Free of color additives, synthetic fragrances, harsh alcohols, comedogenic oils and other known sensitizers, they are designed to deliver results without irritation and are especially effective for helping to treat such varied skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, hyperpigmentation, rosacea and fine lines and wrinkles. PCA SKIN daily care products are available only through physicians and licensed medical professionals. PCA SKIN professional treatments may only be administered by professionals who have been certified by PCA SKIN. Certification requires the completion of an advanced Skin Biology & Chemical Peel Seminar. Continuing education remains an integral part of PCA SKIN’s mission to ensure that patients achieve the safest and most effective results from PCA SKIN daily care products and treatments.


Repechage has many natural products including Repechage Hydra Dew Illuminating Cream Mask. This mask actually absorbs into skin with no peeling or rinsing needed. It’s made with seaweed and light reflectors, so instead of waking up with a pillow-creased morning face, you’re all radiant and smooth.

All logos appearing on this page are trademarked (™), restricted (®) and/or copyrighted (©), and are the exclusive property of their respective owners. The inclusion of these logos in no way implies any official endorsement by the companies represented.
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Eyelash Extensions
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Lash Extension Fills


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